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What are the skillsets and how are they used?

Written by Monika Chamoli
Updated over a week ago

What is a skillset?

Skillsets are positions or roles that you can fill on an event.

If we need 5 Servers and 2 Bartenders - the Server & Bartender would be considered separate skillsets.

How are skillsets used?

To allow your workers to sign up for or request shifts, they must assign be assigned at least one skill set.

When creating an event, specify which skillsets are required - if a worker is assigned the "Bartender" skillset, they can only sign up for or request shifts designated for bartenders.

Workers can have multiple skillsets - one worker can be both a bartender and a server. In this case, they will see events that require any of the skillsets they have.

How to create new skillsets:

Enter the Skillset module on your blue Admin bar: Configuration - Skillsets.

From this page, choose Create Skillset button, in the top right corner.

Enter the skillset name and set the default wage.

The default wage - use if most workers with this skillset earn the same amount. The wage that differs can be assigned to a worker's profile.

Click OK and the skillset is created.

Editing skillsets:

From the skillset module, click the wrench on the right side.

Here you can:

  • Default skillset for new worker sign-up:

When it is on, any worker signed up will be automatically assigned this skillset. Applies to workers who have signed up, won't affect workers imported or created manually.

  • Default Time

Set a default start time: anytime this skillset is added to an event, chosen start time will appear automatically.

  • Default Payroll Group

A skillset can be assigned to a specific payroll group. It is an automated process upon creating a skillset.

  • Sign-Up Bot

Sign-Up Bot can contact your workers Automatically or manually. If you select manually, an additional box will appear next to Skillset.

From this section, workers can be assigned manually by dragging and dropping the name up or down the list.

If you are using the manual setting, any newly created workers will show at the bottom.

Useable in Client Portal:

Choose if the skillset is available for your clients to request in an order in the client portal.

Default skillset comments:

Enter default skillset comments, which will appear whenever you add this skillset to an event. This is useful for specifying ongoing requirements, such as uniform guidelines.

Click More to discover 3 more options for the skillsets:


Will assign skillset to all workers in your company.


Will remove skillset from all workers in your company.


Will delete the skillset from your skillset list.

If you delete a skillset, it can no longer be used when creating shifts or adding skillsets to workers. Existing shifts won't be affected.

In the main skillset module, see two other options which are called Fallback Skillset & Fallback Period.

Fallback Skillset

It is a secondary skillset, that can be added to a main skillset: your Bartender could have a Fallback skillset of Lead Bartender if the position isn't filled within a certain amount of time.

Fallback Period

Fallback period - the number of days before the shift start time that the fallback skillset will come into action.

For example: if the fallback period is 7 days, all workers who have the Bartender skillset will be able to see, sign-up for or request Lead Bartender shifts within those 7 days.

If you wish to have fallback skillsets and fallback period added, please contact your Client Support Specialist or send a support ticket using the need help tab.

If you have any questions or want to learn how to get more from your Roosted account, please contact your Client Support Specialist or get in touch with our support team through ❤️

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