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Comment Templates
Written by Misha Bolek
Updated over a week ago

Comment templates are pre-saved sets of information that you can add to any event to be viewed by your workers.

They can contain information about the uniforms, parking, entrance codes, or anything you could need to pass to everyone before the event! How convenient, right?

It is easy to add, edit, and delete templates from the Configuration -> Comment Templates section in the Admin tab.

You will see there all your saved templates and be able to update or delete them as needed!

Adding and editing a comment template

To add a template just click the + icon in the top right. To edit, choose the blue wrench.

You can name it, and format the message you wish to add. When you are ready, just click ADD COMMENT TEMPLATE. If you just made an edit, the button SAVE COMMENT TEMPLATE will show.

Deleting a comment template

To delete a template, just click the red X button - a pop up window will show. To confirm, choose DELETE COMMENT TEMPLATE.

Where can I use comment templates?

Comment templates can be added to an event or a specific shift in it.

To add templates for an event, that will be visible to all workers, go to the main event page, and choose the comment template you wish to add from the dropdown menu.

Like that, you will add the template to the event comments for all workers.

We can also add them only to a designated group of people assigned to this event. Choose a specific shift, and add comments that will be visible only for just those workers.

Like that, only these 2 workers will see that comment.

And that's how you use comment templates in Roosted!

If you have any questions or want to learn how to get more from your Roosted account, please contact your Client Support Specialist or get in touch with our support team through πŸ˜„

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