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Grid View

Perks of using the Grid view - another possibility of seeing your events.

Written by Monika Chamoli
Updated over a week ago

This view is the best for scheduling back office or daily staff. It also provides hour and cost breakdowns at a glance.

What Grid View is good for:

  • Grid View can give you a spreadsheet-like view that is similar to Excel.

  • Back office staff, support staff, or staff with shifts at the same or similar time every day.

  • Chefs that start every day at 9 am in the same kitchen. Or office staff that works 10 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon.

What Grid Scheduling is NOT good for:

  • The vast majority of customers use Calendar View for most shifts.

  • Event-based scheduling

Grid View Features:

Daily totals - Totals for the day are displayed at the top - get a quick overview.

Worker totals - Next to each worker the shift time totals and wage totals are displayed.

Filtering - The filter icon at the top - filters the workers you want to see.

Open Spots - This will show the number of Open Spots on each day. Click on any day and see the list with open spots - you can drag them to a worker to assign.

Solo shifts - These are shifts created in the grid view that are not associated with any events. They are a darker blue color than event shifts. Solo shifts are often used for scheduling office staff, admins, warehouses, etc. Anyone with more regular weekly hours.

Event shifts - These are shifts that are associated with an event and appear as a light blue box.

Drag and Drop - This allows you to drag and drop shifts on the schedule. Solo shifts can be dragged around to any day or worker. Event shifts can only be dragged around the same day the shift occurs on.

Grid View Filtering Options

This is how you filter what you see on Grid View.

Worker Areas: This will only show the workers that can work in the areas selected.

Worker Skillsets: This will only show the workers that have the selected skillsets.

Worker Tag: This will show only workers that have one or more of the tags to have entered here

Custom Fields: You will have the ability to filter using custom fields that you have created on your account. i.e if you wanted to see all workers that DID NOT have Facial Hair, you would enter & APPLY and shown below which will filter the list of workers for you.

And this is how you can use Grid View on Roosted! ๏ปฟ

If you have any questions or want to learn how to get more from your Roosted account, please contact your Client Support Specialist or get in touch with our support team through ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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