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Clients and how to manage their profiles.

Written by Monika Chamoli
Updated over a week ago

Clients are all of your customers that can be assigned to events.

Store information about your clients in their profile - billing information, custom fields, and much more.

The client list is in the Admin bar on the left side. It's easy to create, search, edit, import, and delete clients.

How to create clients?

To add a new client, click Create Client and enter the details. After that, they will appear on the main clients page.

Editing a Client

Click the wrench on the client and enter/change information as needed: the Client Name, Address, or any custom fields that were created. We can also add additional company contacts under the Additional Contacts box.

Preferred & Banned workers

If a worker is on a client's preferred list, they will automatically be given preference for future shifts created for that client. Conversely, if a worker is on the banned list, they will be prohibited from participating in any events for that client.

Owners and Admins can drag and drop workers to and from the Preferred or Banned list. Clients can also suggest to prefer or ban a worker through the Client Portal.

Default Event Comments

Event comments are notes that can be applied to all future events created for a client. Workers assigned to these events will be able to see these comments on their "Available" and "My Shifts" pages.

Default Rules & Tags

Rules and tags help narrow down the pool of workers for a shift.

Custom field rules applied to workers can also be set up for a client - these will automatically be applied to shifts created for that client in the future.

When we apply rules and create an event, they will show like this on the event page.

Client Portal

The Client Portal is a system that your client can use to submit orders or add feedback on workers who worked events.

You can invite the client to use the client portal by clicking Actions - Invite Client to Client Portal

Enter the email address to send the invitation and include a welcome message or further information.

If you have entered the email address incorrectly, resend the invite by clicking Actions - Invite Client to Client Portal and enter the correct email address - the previous invite will be canceled.

One email address per client can be invited:

If multiple users need access to the Client Portal, it is recommended that the client create a general username and password that can be used by several users simultaneously.

The client will receive an email (similar to the one shown below) prompting them to create a username and password for login.

When your client clicks 'Go to Client Portal,' they will be prompted to enter their address details and then click 'Create account' to complete the process.

Once the request has been sent and the client accepted it and signed up, the information will show by the sign-up date. If they have not signed up yet, the invitation date will show.

Deleting a client

Deleting a client can be done by clicking Actions - Delete Client

After deleting a client, any previously scheduled events won't be affected, but you will not be able to use this client anymore.

And that is the Client section through Roosted! πŸ€“

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