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Bailouts and how your workers can resign from the shift.

Written by Monika Chamoli
Updated over a week ago

Roosted has a partially automated bailout system for your benefit.

What are bailouts?

A bailout is a worker removing a shift from their schedule.

How does a worker bailout from a shift?


A worker can bailout from a shift in "Go To My Shifts" - "Bailout" and "Bailout" again to confirm.

A confirmation message will appear to inform them that if they Bailout, it may affect their ability to be scheduled for future events.

This Bailout message is customizable through your settings.

Mobile App:

Current shifts - scroll to the event to Bailout from & tap Bailout. It will display the same warning message, the bailout must be confirmed by tapping "Bailout".

How can admins bail workers out?

An admin can also bail out a worker. This is useful if bailouts are locked and you still want to impose a penalty on the worker for late notice of their inability to work.

Event Page

Admins can go to the main edit event page, scroll down, and click on the worker in question. Then, click Bailout. Please note that it will not ask for confirmation; the worker will be bailed out with one click.

Workers Module

You can bailout workers in the workers module from the admins bar.

Click the wrench on the right side on the worker - Schedule - Future Shifts - Bailout & Confirm.

Impact of bailing out of a shift

Bailing out from a shift has different impacts, primarily depending on how often and when the worker bails out. If a worker bails out a week before the event, there is a penalty, but if they bail out the day before, the penalty is much more severe.

You can adjust bailout settings on your account to suit your preferences.

Please see Bailout Settings for more information.

Bailouts can also be selectively turned on or off through the Main Event Page under Options.

And this is how bailouts work through Roosted! 😎

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