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Sign Up Bot
Written by Misha Bolek
Updated over a week ago

Let's discover our favorite robot - Sign Up Bot!

We have named him so because it will automatically reach out to your workers to fill empty shifts through push notifications and text messages depending on the app settings.

This feature is a fail-saver when you have unfilled skillsets for a shift that is to happen soon.

When that happens, Roosted will begin notifying and texting your best workers and giving them the opportunity to sign up.

Here's an example of Sign Up Bot sending a text


3 Minute Trainer Video:

When using Sign-Up Bot to fill shifts, it will follow any rules of preferred workers you have set. Please see Rules for more information.

Additional Sign-Up Bot Features

Additional features of Sign-Up Bot are:

Last Contacted

  • the "Last contacted" will show the last time a notification was sent to workers.

By clicking LAST CONTACTED, you will see the Sign-Up Bot Statistics:

  • First message sent to - the number of workers that a notification was sent to. It will show the list of people along with their phone number, contact date, and amount of notifications.

  • People asking for more details - the number of workers that requested more information.

  • Confirmed - the number of workers that Confirmed for the shift.

  • Declined - the number of workers that Declined the shift.

Resending Sign-Up Bot Messages.

When the Sign-Up Bot has messaged all workers who can fill a shift, but there are unfilled spots, you can resend messages by clicking RESEND SIGN UP BOT on the shift edit screen.

Sign-Up Bot - How does it work?

The Bot will contact workers starting from the highest rated to the lowest ones. It will individually offer the shift to workers who have the required skills and no schedule conflicts (such as time off or already working during that shift).

You can preview which workers will be contacted by clicking "Click To Fill," as if you were manually assigning a shift.

If the shift is planned way ahead, the Sign-Up Bot will give preferred workers more time to respond. If it is a short notice, it will reach out to all available workers to fill the shift as a priority.

Sign-Up Bot Settings

Please see Sign-Up Bot - Settings for more information.

Workers activating push notifications - can be done from the mobile app settings or when it asks for permission.

Phone number format

  • For US and Canadian customers, phone numbers are in the 10-digit format, with no dashes or dots - 8582252328

  • For international customers, add a + country code to the number first - for England +44 20 7123 4567

  • We support text messaging to hundreds of countries - if you are unsure how to enter your number you can either test it out or submit the helpdesk ticket.

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