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How to navigate through your Roosted account?

Written by Monika Chamoli
Updated over a week ago

On your Roosted app homepage, you will see some different sections. Along the top of the page you will see the following:

Pending Reviews
Review the work of the worker.

This feature offers a detailed summary of each worker’s tasks, including event name, location, and date.

Supervisors can examine pending reviews to analyze factors affecting worker performance, which is essential for assigning star ratings.

Available Shifts

The "Available Shifts" section is a list of shifts you can sign up for or request, depending on your company's settings.

Here, you can view details such as the event date, event name, and the types of shifts available (e.g., Hands, Bartender).

To view additional information click 'Go to Available Shifts'.

See Available Shifts for more information.

Next Shifts

The "Next Shifts" section displays events you have been assigned to, requested (and approved for), or signed up for directly.

Depending on your company’s settings, you will see details such as:

  • Event Name (e.g., Blue Strike Day 3)

  • Event Date (e.g., Saturday, June 4)

  • Position (e.g., Hand)

  • Shift Time (e.g., 12:00 PM - 8:30 PM)

  • Location (e.g., Dodger Stadium)

Depending on your company’s settings, you might also be able to view the 'Reviewer' and 'Location Comments.'

You can sign up for or request shifts based on your company's policies.

For more details on the events you’ve signed up for, or to see a complete list of all shifts you’ve signed up for or been approved for, click 'Go to My Shifts.' 'Go to My Shifts'.

See Next Shifts for additional information.


Depending on your company settings, you might find a section called "Blogs" below "Next" and "Available Shifts."

This section allows your employer to share updates with you and your colleagues. To view all company blogs, simply click 'View Blogs.'

See Blogs for more information.


On your homepage, you'll also have access to your calendar. Depending on your settings, you can use it to:

- View and submit your availability

- View and submit time-off requests

- View and submit time punches

- View and submit reimbursements

To access your calendar, click 'Go to Calendar.'

See Calendar for more information.

Company Documents

You might also find a "Company Documents" section on your Roosted homepage.

This area can be used to access important documents such as company handbooks, policies and procedures, payroll information, and Roosted training materials.

See Company Documents for more information.

Pending Document Signing Requests

You might see document signing requests on your homepage.

These requests allow you to complete and sign important documents, such as company handbooks or government forms like I-9s and W-4s, among others.

See Pending Document Signing Requestsfor more information!

Make sure to check our YouTube video expanding the topic inside out:

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