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Star Ratings
Written by Monika Chamoli
Updated over a week ago

Each one of your workers has a star rating next to their name and these are vital for Roosted to function at it's highest level. Star Ratings are generated using the following data:

Each of your workers has a star rating next to their name, which is vital for Roosted to function at its highest level. Star Ratings are generated using the following data:

  • Seniority: The worker's level of experience and tenure.

  • Number of Shifts Worked: The total shifts a worker has completed.

  • Bailouts: If a worker bails out within 72 hours before a shift start time, it will negatively affect their overall star rating over time.

    See Bailouts for more information.

  • Lateness: If a worker is marked as late, this will reduce their score and overall star rating.

  • No Show: If a worker doesn't turn up for a scheduled shift and is marked as a no show, this will significantly reduce their score and overall star rating. A no show has the largest impact on a worker's star rating.

  • Event Star Ratings: Star ratings left for workers will affect their overall score:

    1. A score of 3 stars is neutral.
    2. Below 3 stars is negative.
    3. Above 3 stars is positive.

When you create an event, you should assign one worker (doesn't need to be an admin) to be the Event Reviewer.

You should always choose a manager or team captain to be your reviewer and emphasize the importance of providing honest ratings.

After each shift, Roosted will prompt the reviewer to give each one of your employees a rating of 1 to 5 Stars.

See Event Reviews & Feedbackfor more information.

With time, Roosted uses these reviews along with other factors, to rate each worker and ensure that every shift is staffed correctly! πŸ˜ƒ

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